Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Sample of present progresive

Student A: lakukan suatu aksi, Student B: uraikan aksi tersebut, dengan menggunakan nama Student A dan  present progressive.

11.  Student A            : rub your palms together
        Teacher    : who is rubbing your palms together?
        Student B            : Rudi is rubbing your palms together

12.  Student A            : kick your desk (softly)
        Teacher    : who is kicking your desk (softly)?
        Student B            : Rachel is kicking upr desk

13.  Student A            : knock on the door
        Teacher    : who is knocking on the door?
        Student B            : jay is knocking on the door

14.  Student A            : sit on the floor
        Teacher    : who is sitting on the floor?
        Student B            : Budi is sitting on the floor

15.  Student A            : shake hand with someone
        Teacher    : who is shaking hand with someone?
        Student B            :  ino is shaking hand with someone

16.  Student A            : look at your watch
        Teacher    : who is looking at your watch?
        Student B            : Tio is looking at your watch

17.  Student A            : count aloud the number of people in the room
        Teacher    : who is counting aloud the number of people in the room?
        Student B            : Rio is counting aloud the number of people in the room

18.  Student A            : shake your head “no”
        Teacher    : who is shaking your head “no”??
        Student B            : Tanoi is Shaking your head “no”

19.  Student A            : scratch your head
        Teacher    : who is scratching your head?
        Student B            : Roni is scratching your head

20.  Student A            : Stand in front of the class
        Teacher    : who is standing in front of the class?
        Student B            : Roy is standing in front of the class

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Complain Letter and Memo

A complaint letter is a letter written by a custumer of service/products commenting on poor service/product. it usually outlines the faults with the service and highlights customer dissatisfaction with the particular service/product. usually in the letter there would also be suggested conclusion e.g a refund.



A memo, short for the word memorandum, comes from the Latin word memorandus, which means, "to be remembered." It is a compact written message designed to help someone remember something. For example, a list of groceries to be picked up on your way home from work is a memo, a simple list of things to be remembered later.

The format of a business memo differs in two significant ways from that of a business letter: 1) it does not include an inside address and, 2) it does not include a salutation or a complimentary close. Those elements, all of which are required in a business letter, are not required in a business memo.

