Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Al-Quran is a Guidance of human life

    when people get lost in the ignorance of the way he crushed the confusion, anxiety and alienation. Al-Qur'an who introduced us about the nature of man, his role in life and the purpose it was created. Al-Quran is a guide for the journey of human life from the beginning to the end of his life. Allah created the universe and made it a hint to be a handbook for people who live on earth. Without the Koran one can not feel the life of the balance in nature.

   in modern times is a lot of contradictions and disputes. who created a tool, it should make the user use. if not, then the creation tools will not work.

   various studies revealed that the number of suicides and murders in the west as a result of someone away from Al-Qur'an.

   Al-Qur'an have explained the phases of full life from beginning to end, and also explains the signs of life.

Miracle of Your Brain

1. Your brain has a trillion brain cells, including:
  • One hundred billion nerve cells or neurons active
  • Nine hundred billion other cells that glue,
    maintenance and envelops active cells

2. Any one of a hundred billion neurons can grow to as many as twenty thousand branches

3. Has four different parts of the brain:

  • instinctive brain
  • brain balancer
  • emotional brain
  • you are amazing cortex

4. Has two sides that work in harmony

  • left brain that is "academic"
  • right brain that is "creative"

5. Run "telephone exchange" that sent millions of messages per second between the left and right

    has a variety of "central intelligence"

6. Operate with at least four different types of long-wave

7. controlling the transmission system that sends electrical-chemical message quickly to all parts of the body

8. key role in the revolution of personal learning


The commonly used styles in the business letters are-

1. Full Blocked Style

2. Blocked Style

3. Semi blocked Style

Theory Of Inquiry Letter

Letter Of Inquiry

        A letter of inquiry asks someone for specific information. In some cases, such as a request for promotional material, the recipient will have a clear interest in responding to your letter. In other cases, such as a request for specific information on a product, the recipient may or may not be as motivated to respond quickly. Consequently, always make the tone of the letter friendly and make it easy for the recipient to identify and provide the information you need.

Format of a Letter of Inquiry

Follow this format in writing a letter of inquiry:

  1. In the first paragraph, identify yourself and, if appropriate, your position, and your institution or firm.
  2. In the second paragraph, briefly explain why you are writing and how you will use the requested information. Offer to keep the response confidential if such an offer seems reasonable.
  3. List the specific information you need. You can phrase your requests as questions or as a list of specific items of information. In either case, make each item clear and discrete.
  4. Conclude your letter by offering your reader some incentive for responding.

Example Of Inquiry Letter

Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

13 steps toward a new learning community

1. reposition the role of electronic communication in the world of education
2. learn computer and internet
3. fix the total education for parents
4. stimulate health care for children to keep them from learning difficulties
5. create children's growth program quality for everyone
6. implement the teaching program of each school to miss class
7. discover individual learning styles and intelligences and serve any existing styles
8. re-define what should be taught in schools
9. apply three goals for most of the studies
10. re-define the best places for teaching - not just in schools
11.shape curriculum into four parts, with self-assessment and life skills training as a key component
12.apply to everyone: learning about how to learn and think
13. open your mind and create a fresh communication

Children Learn from Lifes

if the child is raised with criticism, he learns curse
if the child is raised with hostility, he learns to fight
if the child is brought up with fear, he learns restless
if the child is raised with a sense of pity, he learns regret
if the child is raised with ridicule, he learns inferiority
if the child is raised with jealousy, he learns malice
if the child is raised with shame, he learns to feel guilty
if the child is raised with encouragement, he learns confidence
if the child is raised with tolerance, he learns restraint
if the child is raised with praise, he learns to appreciate
if the child is raised with acceptance, he learns love
if the child is raised with the support he enjoys learning self
if the child is raised with recognition, he learns to recognize the purpose
if the child is raised with a sense of sharing, he learns generosity
if the child is raised with honesty and openness, she learns the truth and justice
if the child was raised with a sense of security, he learns to trust
if the child is raised with friendship, he learns to find love in life
if the child is raised with serenity, he studied peace with the mind

                                                                                          Dhorothy Law Nolte

We Learn...

10% from what we read
20% from what we hear
30% from what we see
50% from what we see and hear
70% from what we say
90% from what we say and do